
Showing posts from November, 2022

Social Support for Elders

  Social support as a functional component Social support is a functional component of elder care that is vital for the health of the elderly. Many studies have shown that older people value social support and interaction and seek it out in their later years. However, there are many differences in the way people experience  social support . Some older people may experience less social support, while others may experience it more. The lack of social support experienced by older people may result in poor health, which has significant societal costs. This study aims to identify the relationship between social support and self-rated health among older adults. This research involved a cross-sectional survey of 312 urban community-dwelling elders in Fuzhou, Fujian Province and Tainan, Taiwan. The study employed a Spearson correlation test, independent t-test, and Pearson k-h2 test to examine the association between social support and self-rated health. Social support is a fundamenta...

Activities For Dementia Care For Elderly People

  Dementia care for elderly residents requires a variety of activities that stimulate the various senses and provide movement. Activities can include singing, dancing, and stories. There are also tactile activities such as painting and gardening.  Dementia care for the elderly  may also benefit from spending time outside in nature. The fresh air is therapeutic. Many senior centers also host group activities. Respite care Respite care is a great way to provide a break from daily caregiving. Many respite services are available in your area. Before choosing one, take the time to find out what services they offer. It is essential to find a provider that you trust and feels confident in. They should be able to provide you with the support and guidance you need to make the right decision. Respite care can be provided in the home or in a facility, either long-term or short-term. The former provides a controlled, safe environment. The latter provides a new environment and a time ...