
Showing posts from May, 2021

Emergency Care Assistance for Senior Citizens

  Australian Government introduced various policies to make it easy for the aged to get the necessary medical assistance in time of need. It is a well-known fact that one out of every four persons living in Australia is above the age of 65 years. Thus, with this trend the number of old age homes has also increased significantly. It is also true that there are many persons who have to remain in their homes due to financial or other reasons. In such a scenario, old age homes take care of the daily needs of such persons by providing  emergency care assistance . The policy introduced by the Australian Government is focused at helping old age homes in maintaining their budgetary resources so that they can provide the necessary medical assistance to their inmates. This is done in order to ensure that the inmates are not forced to part with their security because of some sudden medical bills. In other words, old age homes are made ready to tackle the financial issues of their inmates...

Assisting the Elderly

  There is huge pressure on the Australian in-home care system to find suitable placements for older people. On 30 June 2021, there were 28,088 people and children living in out-of-care placements in Australia. These are people who require care from carers but are unable to stay in mainstream nursing homes because of physical or other limitations. This has meant a rapid growth in the industry, as more people with varying degrees of disabilities are being put into  home care services . The main drivers of this growth are an aging population and the rising number of elderly people who are not in a position to return to work or take up any further education. Both of these factors contribute to an increase in the number of people requiring assistance with day-to-day activities such as dressing, getting up in the morning and taking a shower. In addition, more people are also claiming benefits or other means-tested payments from the pension system, making it harder for the system to...